Pride Month Reads

Pride Month Reads

This year, I embarked on the ambitious adventure of reading 100 books in 2019. By the end of May, I’d already read 50 books. I knew this year of breakneck-speed reading would get a little dull after awhile if I continued to reach for all the same types of books I usually do (AKA extremely dark and twisty works of fiction), so I planned out some themed months to explore different perspectives and genres. June, of course, was Pride Month. My Pride Month reads were super fun, so I wanted to share them with you.

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50 Books in 5 Months

50 Books in 5 Months

I’ve reached the big five-oh! No, I’m not turning fifty, but I have read 50 books in five months.

For 2019, I set a lofty goal for my Goodreads Reading Challenge: 100 books. I’ve never read that many books in one year before. The most I’ve done is 70 books, and that was back in 2014. I was still in grad school, and that included some of the books I read for my graduate work.

I’m tracking this endeavor with my own hashtag, #emilys100books2019, on Twitter and Instagram. It’s been a good way to hold myself accountable and it’s started some interesting conversations too!

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