Thoughts on Therapy: Year Three

Thoughts on Therapy: Year Three

On this blog, I always try to be authentic and honest, even as a business owner trying to market my services. For example, in the past I’ve blogged about ending my passion project due to burnout and how I handled taking bereavement time as a freelancer. I’ve even gotten extra-vulnerable and shared insights I gleaned from therapy, reflecting on both the one year and two year milestones. So today it’s time to dive into my thoughts on my third year of going to therapy!

Last year, I wrote about how the pandemic shifted us to Zoom therapy. Though it felt strange at first, in May 2021 I was finally able to resume in-person sessions with my therapist and it was wonderful! I had forgotten how much you lose in body language that’s just outside the Zoom screen, and how nice it is to sit in a safe and cozy space with a person who is dedicated to helping you process, unlearn, and grow. This year was a lot between my grandma’s death in late February and my mom’s in early April, so I had plenty to talk about in therapy. Here are a few of the takeaways.

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On Taking Bereavement Time as a Freelancer

On Taking Bereavement Time as a Freelancer

This topic is unusual for a business blog where I typically talk about marketing and social media strategy, but I thought it would be interesting to explore and helpful for other freelancers going through similar situations. In late February, my grandma passed away at 93 years old, and in early April, my mom died of cancer at 59 years old. Hell of a way to start the year! Not working at a traditional company where I could check in with HR and get standard bereavement time, I was uncertain about how I would navigate taking time off to grieve. Here are a few things that worked for me over the past few months:

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