How to Schedule Posts Natively on LinkedIn

How to Schedule Posts Natively on LinkedIn

Throughout my career as a social media strategist, I have long advocated for folks to 1) be more proactive and 2) utilize a scheduling tool. Scheduling your content in advance is helpful for increasing your efficiency, establishing a consistent posting cadence, and saving your sanity. I’ve tried both third party tools and built-in schedulers for each platform. LinkedIn was one of the few platforms that did not offer a way to schedule posts natively. I briefly tried Hootsuite for scheduling LinkedIn posts, but found it cumbersome and returned to posting in real time. Excitingly enough, LinkedIn recently added the ability to schedule posts right on the platform! I’ll walk you through the steps for scheduling your LinkedIn content to go live at a later time.

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Why I Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

Why I Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

For years now, I’ve been a fan of scheduling tools to tackle the daunting task of social media management. While social media may seem easy to the untrained eye, not everyone who has an Instagram account can do a great job managing social media for a brand. Social media requires a thoughtful strategy, with clear goals and a solid plan for execution. So many businesses launch social accounts and quickly let them fall out of date because they don’t have a plan for posting consistently. That’s where scheduling tools are a lifesaver! Here are a few of the main reasons why I use a scheduling tool.

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